Monday, November 8, 2010

Artist Lecture: Simon Tarr

Interesting Quote: "This is probably my most successful work, but I just like it because it reminds me of Japan and how I want to be back there."

Three Words: Technological, Jarring, Experimental

I learned that he is very into technology and software programs and how they can be used to further his work. Such as using an Ipad as a remote controller to mix video on the fly in what he termed a VJ Performance piece. I thought this was really innovative and a good example of technology being used to build upon what the artist is doing as opposed to just being used for the novelty.


1) In your creation of mixed media projects do you let the media influence you or do you know beforehand what the project requires? I think he definitely allows the media to influence his work. He described himself as a hunter gatherer of content as opposed to using a direct approach to create an already concrete project idea. And the performance piece Tia Mak is a great example of letting the content speak in different ways with each performance.

2) How immersive do you think an experimental film should be especially in regards to your piece FUD? He didn't touch on this but I thought that seeing this piece through large scale projection was amazing. It made it so much more than what it is on a tiny web-video.

I thought FUD was extremely powerful in person. I had the feeling it would be more interesting large scale but I had no idea. It became an almost hypnotic experience.

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