I know now that most people are so closely concerned with themselves that they are not aware of their own individuality, I can see myself, and it has helped me to say what I want to say in paint.
-Georgia O'Keeffe
Individuality is founded in feeling; and the recesses of feeling, the darker, blinder strata of character, are the only places in the world in which we catch real fact in the making, and directly perceive how events happen, and how work is actually done.
-William James
Simmel, Georg. Georg Simmel On Individuality and Social Forms. 1st ed.
Chicago, Il: The University of Chicago Press, 1971. Print.
My work this semester is going to be stemming primarily from my own personal experiences and how they relate to the person I am now or how I relate to them now that they are past. I am a firm believer that experiences both good and bad shape who we are as individuals and that the more we know about ourselves the better we will be able to successfully communicate our ideas to others.
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